Your Site for Ball Hockey News, Tips, and Training

Uniting ball hockey players and enthusiasts from all over 

Welcome to Stick Skillz

We are avid ball hockey players and enthusiasts who were looking to give the sport what it deserves; more recognition and unity among the players who play the game. As players who compete in tournaments all over Ontario and playing in leagues, we were able to meet people from all over and had the pleasure to watch and compete against some of the best players in the game. We have grown to appreciate the unique skill that is required to play this game and we’ve seen some amazing things that these players can do with a ball and stick. 

Team Italy Vs. Team USA

Training and Tips

Hone Your Skillz

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Skillz Videos

Custom Team Wear

Are you and your team tired of wearing the same beat up old uniforms you’ve had forever? Contact Stick Skillz and see how we can help you take your apparel game to a new level.


We can help! Check out some of our favorite archived designs. We can bring your unique vision to life!